Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Imported Eyedea's on Springing with New Feet Forward

Don't you feel like Spring is a waaaay more productive version of New Year's resolution? Like instead of drunkenly promising to quit that horrible habit you have and start eating fiber, you actually accomplish something useful,  like throwing all the old crap you've been hoarding all winter long?

Perhaps its domestication, or perhaps its just Spring Fevah! (if you spell it that way, it needs punctuation). But lately consumption of anything Home Improvement has resulted in my somewhat maddening obsession with reorganizing and redecorating everything.

If you know me face to face, you'll know mine isn't always the girliest. So I've been stocking up on rich, colorful (and expensive) Design concepts at blogs like CoCo+Kelley or Michaela Noelle Designs Projects These ladies have talented eyes for beautiful spaces. 

Here are some things I would love to see happen in. around or near the Rockafeller we call our home/office:


http://www.alibaba.com    http://www.housingtouri.com     http://mbakoo.com http://www.room-decorations-ideas.info

Back tomorrow with so much Love/Hate I might burst! Sleep well, kitten Hump Day approacheth!

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Your Eyedeas on the Subject: